Nutrition Program
Our Nutrition program is based on video training series that guide your teams through the fundamentals on nutrition for wellbeing. It covers topics of understanding for weight loss, muscle gain, general wellbeing and more. This is great for beginners to get a good understanding of how their nutrition impacts performance and wellbeing.

Nutrition for General Wellbeing
Our videos contain the building blocks for creating strong, healthy and sustainable nutrition practices. At martial mindset, we believe that change happens through understanding first, then habit formation second. We work to make sure your team understands how nutrition impacts their wellbeing, then how to implement the change necessary to keep good nutrition a lasting practice in their lives.

Muscle Gain
We cover all the basics needed for foundational muscle growth. From micronutrients, meal timing, calorie tracking and much more, your team will have everything they need to pack on muscle and make the most of their training routine. Building strong, healthy individuals can have massive impacts on workplace compensation claims, injury prevention and more.

Weight Loss in the Workplace
We show your teams that weight loss is not just about restricting, but rather being conscious of the food they are consuming into their bodies. How weight loss can be sustainable in a way that nourishes and improves their daily experience. Weight loss has been shown to improve health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes as well as blood pressure, and can be a big influence on self confidence.